You're Invited!
Join us Feb. 2 for "The Groundhog's Dilemma:
Doing the Same Thing Everyday and Not Getting Anywhere"
Sign up for this first of our exciting new webinar series.
The Chesapeake Gateway Chamber of Commerce invites you to participate in a special event on a very special day! Join us Feb. 2 at 9:00 a.m. for the first in our new webinar series, bringing the mastery of our membership to our local business community.
We start with this exciting, FREE kickoff event, "The Groundhog's Dilemma: Doing the Same Thing Everyday and Not Getting Anywhere." This webinar, hosted by Frequency Partners owner Sharon Kehnemui, will detail how simple changes in your positioning, thinking, and planning will help you become irresistible and generate more leads, sales, and profits immediately!
In this event, you will learn how:
— The fight or flight instinct evolved and how it interrupts your decision-making.
— Breaks in the destructive thoughts about yourself and your business can help you take massive, purpose-driven action.
— Prospects and customers make decisions about patronizing your company.
— Changes in your process lead to dramatic increases for your bottom line.
Are you ready to stop being a groundhog and start making massive business breakthroughs? Take one hour of your time to find $10,000 or more of revenue hiding in your business.
Sharon Kehnemui, owner of Frequency Partners LLC, is a recovering Washingtonian. Like anyone in recovery, it's a lifelong commitment. Sharon has worked in public relations as a lobbyist, on Capitol Hill, and in 24-hour national television and Internet news. Before starting Frequency Partners, she was the Managing Director for Digital Media at one of America's oldest nonprofits.
Sharon works with local businesses and national organizations to drive their growth to the next level. Employing drop-dead simple strategies for dominating the competition, Sharon offers actionable steps to achieve cathartic new breakthroughs in business.
Sharon is currently a resident of Essex, MD, with her husband Tony Schumacher. She describes the Chesapeake Gateway region as the best kept secret in Baltimore County and struggles over whether to keep it a secret or not.